Considering this policy requirement and mindful of the lack of up-to-date data on the Local Authorities of the Northern and Western Region, the Assembly has prepared a “LECP Briefing Note” for each Local Authority within the region; the purpose of which is to highlight the latest county / Local Authority indicators that are available and which will help inform the objectives and actions of the LECP.
In this regard, each “LECP Briefing Note” outlines the performance and data source of economic, quality of life and environmental / low carbon economy indicators related to the Local Authorities of the Northern and Western Region, with these briefing notes listed below. The document also suggests areas for consideration within the LECP, that reflect the regional development objectives (RPOs) of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (‘RSES’) – thus enabling a consistency with the RSES in terms of both policy alignment and prioritisation of resources, locally and regionally.